What are affiliate links?
Some links on this website are affiliate links. This means we can earn a small commission if you buy something through one of these links. We only work with reliable Usenet providers that we trust and would use ourselves.
Why do we use affiliate links?
The commissions we earn through affiliate links help us maintain and keep running this website. This includes the costs of servers, software, research, and creating valuable content like Usenet reviews.
We don’t like annoying and useless ads, that’s why we just use relevant (affiliate) links to the reviewed services.
Does this influence your decision?
Absolutely not! Our reviews are always independent and objective. We strive to provide you with the best possible information about Usenet providers, regardless of whether or not there’s an affiliate link involved.
Have any questions? Let us know!
Do you have questions about affiliate links or our relationships with Usenet providers? Feel free to contact us. We are always transparent and want to help you make the best choice.
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Every sale from an affiliate link helps us write more great Usenet reviews. We appreciate your support tremendously!