Status update and blog back online!

Now, I just heard that BREIN is not demanded to start a standard procedure within 6 months. They seem to be happy with the decision, although what they really hoped and said is that we are breaching copyrights. So at this point we don’t know if they are planning this procedure at all in the future. If this doesn’t happen, it means we will never have the chance again to change the outcome and therefor ShareConnector should have to remain offline. Unless we go for an appeal, which is exactly what we did since that would be our last chance to make a difference.


Sonarr vs Sickchill | The Streaming Organizer Clash

Attention TV aficionados. The quest for the ultimate show organizer leads you to a crossroads: Sonarr’s sleek navigation versus SickChill’s customizable adventures. Ignite your media library’s potential as you decide which will be your digital quartermaster. Key Takeaways Features Showdown When comparing Sonarr and SickChill, it’s clear that each tool brings its own set of…


Sonarr Review | Streamline Your TV Download Routine

Key Takeaways Features Here’s a table with Sonarr features: Feature Description Price Free, with donations encouraged for development support. Platform Availability Supports multiple platforms including Windows, MacOS, Linux, FreeBSD, and Raspberry Pi. Connection Support Supports SSL encryption; VPN recommended for torrent downloads. User Engagement Community support through forums, IRC channel, Discord, and a Sonarr subreddit.…
